Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY: Bustier-top minidress

Finally back with a few DIYs. 

Ew the mirror is so friggin gross. Here are instructions to make the top:

The only thing I don't like about this tutorial is the way the pieces are cut. It makes you look thick in the waist. Something I would recommend is to make the thing out of newspaper, then recut the pattern pieces. This isn't actually a hard project, but you need to be accurate. If you make the lining first, sew yourself in, adjust to fit (aka seams and shit), then use the lining as "pattern pieces" for the outside, it'll work a lot nicer. 


mimika said...

wow I love this DIY! I always love unique pieces :) Thanks for sharing!

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Eve said...

Thanks and I already joined :)

Reyna @reynasblogxo said...

This is a great DIY! xx