So, I recieved my swap items from awsumchick07. She is the best swapper ever because of fast shipping and great extras. I got a bare minerals glimmer eyeshadow in envy, MAC pigment sample in Kitschmas (funny name isn't it), Chanel lotion sample, and a Bond Girl 09 perfume sample.
so, anyone see something wrong in the picture with the bareminerals glimmer eyeshadows? Hmm? Because I do. Isn't there supposed to be a sifter there? Well there is. Isn't a sifter's job to make is less messy and keep all the eyeshadow from just plopping out? Well, look at that. There is a sifter in the jar, I checked. But, all the eyeshadow is on top of it. That defeates the whole point of a sifter! I'm not going to dump the eyeshadow out, take out the sifter and put the eyeshadow back in because this stuff isn't cheap. I believe that its what, 13$ at Sephora? I can't go out, buy 10 of these, and still have money. So, I'll just deal with that. I love both of these colors. Kitschmas is a nice lilac color, very frosty and light. INNER CORNER and highlight! Envy is also very frosty, but I think that it's okay to put that as an all over color.. as long as you tone it down with a matte color. I should do eye looks on these. I need to get a blending brush. If you want to swap with me, Pnkxsparklexstar on makeupalley!
Used wet, these eyeshadows are great! Used over a base, still great! Not used on a base, Kitschmas gives a lot of fallout. Chanel lotion was used up today. The smell is very very strong. It's not a bad smell, but not that pleasent either. I really liked how moisturizing it is. Perfume will be used later. I still have another perfume sample that I still need to use. Ugh, whatever. It is FUKC brand perfume from a different swap.
I HATE DEPOTTING NYX JUMBO PENCILS. I love those things. They are cheap, come in many different colors, but seriously? It took me forever to depot into a new jar. So, let's begin.
It's now 7:30, I decided to do my old trick: use my old trusty incandescent lamp that produces a lot of heat to melt. I use this for melting lipsticks, depotting eyeshadow, etcetcetc. So, why not use this to depot Jumbo sticks
8:00 PM-- STILL NOT coming out. Now, I'm pissed off. I take out my flat iron, set it to high, waited one minute, and held it around the pencil. I thought, well, maybe it's becuase everything inside needs to be melted right? Not working. I turn the thing off, and decide to go to plan 2.
I rip off the top metal part, which is a huge ordeal in itself. Wow, that's hard to take off. I used pliers and made a mess.
8:30-- now, I've tried heating this thing AGAIN. NOT WORKING. I decided to now step downstairs and shove this in the microwave. And guess what? It melts in like 5 minutes. WTF?!?!?!?!??! Maybe it needs a higher temperature? It needs to be heated all the way through? I considered using a blowdryer, but that is so noisy. I hate blowdryers in general because of the noise level. I don't like to use a microwave because I feel like I get a lot of lost product. Oh well. Does anyone else have this issue? Or is it just me? o.0
Toodles <3
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